You'll find the varieties available in your region and the contact details for your local sales agent below.
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Um die benötigte Anzahl Einheiten Saatgut für Ihren Zuckerrübenanbau zu bestimmen, geben Sie bitte Ihre geplante Zuckerrüben-Anbaufläche in Hektar ein und regulieren Sie den Reihenabstand und die Ablageweite über die Schieberegler. Anschließend erhalten Sie die auf Ihren Bedarf abgestimmte Menge an Zuckerrübensaatgut.
You'll find the varieties available in your region and the contact details for your local sales agent below.
From the southern end of the Red River that flows between Minnesota and North Dakota all the way to the Canada border, the American Crystal region is home to many sugarbeet growers and the American Crystal Sugar Company. Did you know that Minnesota is home to sugarbeet growers that make up the single largest state’s production of sugarbeets across North America? Some of the largest fields are found in this region with growers producing thousands of acres of sugarbeets.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand Aphanomyces, Rhizoctonia and rhizomania disease pressure in addition to root aphid and root maggot. Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and pests, yet meet performance requirements.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for American Crystal sugarbeet growers.
This sugarbeet region includes sugarbeet growers in Idaho, Washington and Oregon. Sugarbeets grown in this area are irrigated and processed by the Amalgamated Sugar Company. In Idaho, the growing region extends along the Snake River, running laterally across the state. Irrigated sugarbeets grown in this region consistently offer some of the highest sugar yields in the industry.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand multiple diseases that include multiple strains of rhizomania, Rhizoctonia, and curly top, and other diseases that inhibit crop productivity. As in other regions, Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and must perform well under pressure while meeting performance requirements.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed on the sales representatives tab to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Idaho, Washington and Oregon sugarbeet growers
This sugarbeet region includes sugarbeet growers in the Imperial Valley of southern California. Sugarbeets grown in this area are all irrigated and then processed by the Spreckels Sugar Company. Sugarbeets grown in this region are often recognized for their growth characteristics and can weigh nearly 50 pounds each! With sugar beets this large, sugar production can be up to 22,000 pounds of white sugar per acre.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand multiple diseases that can include multiple strains of rhizomania, root diseases, and other diseases that inhibit crop productivity. As in other regions, Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and must continue to perform well under pressure while meeting performance requirements.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Imperial Valley sugarbeet growers.
This sugarbeet region includes sugarbeet growers in Alberta, Canada. Sugarbeets grown in this area are irrigated. Processing is carried out by the Rogers Sugar Company.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand multiple diseases that can include multiple strains of rhizomania and other diseases that inhibit crop productivity. As in other regions, Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and continue to perform very well under pressure.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Lantic sugarbeet growers.
Michigan and Ontario produce sugarbeets for the Michigan Sugar Company. This region is heavily agricultural, and the local economies rely on sugarbeets to contribute to a high-quality lifestyle committed to family and farming. Michigan and Ontario’s unique and varied environmental challenges, due to the proximity to Lake Huron, present unique breeding challenges to Betaseed’s research and breeding teams.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand Cercospora, Rhizoctonia and rhizomania disease pressure. Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and must offer strong performance under disease pressure.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Michigan and Ontario sugarbeet growers.
Sugarbeet growers in Minn-Dak are at the southern end of the Red River Valley and growers live in either North Dakota or Minnesota. Minn-Dak growers have their beets processed by the Minn-Dak Sugar Cooperative located in Wahpeton, North Dakota. This region is known for its large, flat fields and high-quality sugarbeet crops.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand Aphanomyces, Cercospora, Rhizoctonia and rhizomania disease pressure, as well as root aphid and root maggot pests. Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these pests and diseases while meeting performance standards under disease and pest pressure.
Contact your Minn-Dak agriculturist or local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Minn-Dak sugarbeet growers.
Sugarbeet growers in Southern Minnesota are mid-state in Minnesota. Growers are known for their large-scale production equipment that supports efficient operations during Minnesota’s short planting and harvest seasons. A strong sense of community helps keep growers focused on high quality sugarbeet production toward white, refined sugar.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand Aphanomyces, Cercospora, Rhizoctonia and rhizomania disease pressure, as well as root aphid and root maggot pests. Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these pests and diseases and must maintain strong performance under pressure.
Contact your Southern Minnesota agriculturist or local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Southern Minnesota sugarbeet growers.
The Western Sugar North region spans from Miles City, Montana, down to the areas around Lovell/Powell/Emblem, Wyoming. This region is known to produce high quality sugarbeets under irrigation. Irrigated crops can be exposed to higher levels of disease and pest pressure, so they require significant disease and pest tolerance traits to ensure a quality crop. The Wyoming Sugar region is made up of growers who live in and around Worland, Wyoming, and extends all the way down into the area around Riverton, Wyoming.
These regions are supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand multiple diseases and pests that can include multiple strains of rhizomania, Rhizoctonia, curly top and other diseases that inhibit crop productivity. As in other regions, Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases and must maintain strong performance while under pressure.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed under the contacts tab above to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Western Sugar North and Wyoming Sugar sugarbeet growers.
The Western Sugar South region includes sugarbeet growers in Colorado and Nebraska. Sugarbeets grown in this area are irrigated and require multiple disease and pest tolerance characteristics for OVT approval. Some of the farmland has been producing beets for over 100 years, so high-quality seed plays an important role in yield and revenue potential.
This region is supported by Betaseed through breeders, researchers, and sales representatives each committed to field and operational success. Each Betaseed hybrid has been bred to withstand multiple diseases that can include multiple strains of rhizomania, Rhizoctonia, Aphanomyces, and other diseases that inhibit crop productivity. As in other regions, Betaseed varieties are required to pass OVT trials that are heavily infested with these diseases while continuing to perform very well under pressure.
Contact your local Betaseed sales representative listed below to learn more about Betaseed’s seed portfolio available for Western Sugar South sugarbeet growers.