In order to work out the number of units required for sowing, please enter your planned sugarbeet acreage. Then adjust the row spacing and the distance between seeds, using the slide bar.
You need
Units (total)
Units (per ha seeds)
Seeds (per ha plants)
Hectare (per unit)
To determine your plant stock per hectare, adjust the slide bar according to the row spacing of your sugarbeets. Then set the number of rows (at least two rows every 10 metres!) and finally enter your counted sugarbeets per row.
Great sugar yields combined with a strong resistance package
Type: Monogerm, Late sowing & CONVISO® ONE
N Type
Great sugar yields
Above average cercospora resistance
Featuring the CONVISO® SMART technology for innovative weed control
CONVISO® SMART is an innovative weed control system consisting of two main components: modern BTS beet varieties and the special herbicide CONVISO® ONE.